“With her gorgeous, emotional voice and a chorus that resonates deeply, Julie has not only created a memorable piece of music but also a source of comfort for those navigating the complexities of the human experience. Keep an eye on Julie Lavery-she has the potential to become one of the most influential singer-songwriters of our time.” -Shaun Zizi

                                                                        -Ctrl Plus Space


“Much like activist musicians like Joan Baez and Carly Simon, Julie sings as if there are no secrets between her and her fans. Often discussing socially charged topics such as politics, religion, women's right and mental health, Julie doesn't censor herself for the benefit of appeasing the music industry.”-Derek Jones

                                                         -Top Shelf Music Magazine




The combination of old school energy and classic vocal tone on this one made it an immediate “yes” for me. This is my first time learning about Lavery, but I don’t think it’s the last time we’ll be featuring this amazing voice on our site. The lyrics will have you asking spiritual, deep questions that are a bit outside of the traditions of the country vein of genres. The track kicks into more of a modern country gear later in the song, but the early contemplative folk ethos is what we enjoy the most on this one.” - Greg Jones

— Ear to the Ground Music

“The quasi-Celtic, country-tinged soundscape materialises the image: you are in a pristine woodland, perhaps just next to a cliff, living your romance away from society, perhaps hoping to hide from heaven’s judgement. Then comes her sweet yet austere voice and makes it clear she wants more.”- Fernando de Oliveira Lucio

                                                                - Right Chord Music 

Press Photos


Julie Lavery was born and raised right outside of Boston, MA. She graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2010 where she studied songwriting and performance under some of the greats including, Livingston Taylor, Jack Perricone, Henry Gaffney and Pat Pattison. 

After graduation, Julie spent a year in Orlando, FL for her first paid gig as Ariel in, "The Voyage of the Little Mermaid." Wanting to pursue her dreams of writing and performing original music, she moved to Los Angeles and met up with her future husband Spencer Broschard.  They started a band together called The Running Mates and had success via YouTube with over 150k subscribers and upwards of 10 million views. 

Never good at sitting still, when the world came to a halt in 2020 Julie moved to Nashville, TN to pursue her career as a singer/songwriter. Since the move, Julie has toured nationally and internationally with Sarah Darling, opening for Carly Pearce on her European Tour for “29.” She had two original songs placed on FOX's Monarch starring Susan Surrandon. In a “pinch me” opportunity, Julie sang background vocals on Dolly Parton's version of “We Will Rock You,” off of her most recent record “Rockstar.” 

Currently, Julie is recording her first ever EP “Wild Child,” to be released this summer 2024. The title track will be available everywhere music is streamed on April 12, 2024. 

Sample Track

Sample Video
